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Breaking Into Book Covers!

It’s here! Today’s the day! I’m beyond excited and more than anything NERVOUS! It took me a year to get the courage to start this process. Three attempts at filming it all. All while doing my own photography and keeping things on track. All over the Christmas period too! PHEW.

Breaking into book covers is finally here!

After countless polls, conversations, research and everything in between I realised this course is in demand. It’s perfect for photographers across the board. Ones that want a side hustle without being told to do ‘galleries’ or shove everything on Alamy, do headshots and all the normal ‘How to make money with photography’. I hated reading them when I was struggling, because non of it applied to me and my photography, nothing was suitable at all. This course is great for more creative and fine art photographers who struggle to sell their work commercially. Wedding photographers who want a side hustle during the quieter months. Or perhaps you want to do this full time like I do. I couldn’t blame you, within 6 months of starting my own journey I was full time and haven’t looked back.

It also appeals to photographers who may be introverts much like myself. Who don’t have a marketing degree or a natural social media presence. Ones who just want to photograph and not have to do all this other stuff. It’s the remarkable things about this, your work sells regardless of your number of followers, likes etc. You don’t even have to write ‘proposal emails’ to publishers, designers and such. It’s all just easy. You shoot, edit and upload then get a royalty statement at the beginning of each month and paid a few days later.

My Breaking into book covers course consists of 12 videos of me explaining step by step how to start, what mistakes to avoid, popular themes, even a video of me photographing and editing and everything in between. I’ve answered all the questions I received. Spoken to publishers and designers to provide you with expert content without any fluff. It covers EVERYTHING.

Personally, I got some advice from marketers who suggested a free e-book with ‘some’ of the material and then charge a butt load for all of the material, then a second course, more e-books. I put my foot down. I despise that way of ‘selling’. I hate buying a course to find out it’s them basically trying to sell their next more expensive course, just throwing tidbits in here and there. Not my style, not my moral code at all.

So this course covers EVERYTHING from start to finish.

Why should I carry on talking about it? Here’s a link to the course. Feel free to ask me questions before and or after!