How to message a photographer about modelling for them
So, I get a lot of emails, messages, DM’s from mainly young women asking if they can model for me. Some are ACE at doing so they have that message down! But unfortunately, most of them send some of the most infuriating messages.
The wrong message…
Can mean the difference between working with a photographer or NEVER working with them.
Here is a range of messages I’ve received just in the last 6 months
I LOVE your work! Can we do some photos like ‘X’ photographers photos here, I really love their style and I want photos that they’ve done like this, could we re-create their exact shot like this one?
Um, no. If you love my work, then send me some photos of MY work or a moodboard of lots of images you like, not another photographer’s portfolio… Message them if you love their work. It’s tricky yes, but a moodboard of lot’s of images is best.
I want to model for you.
I live in the States, would you fly here and do a portfolio for me? (for free!)
Mmmm, no. No, I will not spend £1000+ on coming to you to do a small portfolio… for free.
Our souls are so connected, your work speaks to me, we have the same creative dream, please let me be in your photos, I would make them so much better.
One, don’t even… facepalm
I really want to model for you, my rates are ‘X’
Then you aren’t booking me, you want me to book you. Piss off.
I’m about to be the face of a huge brand, I’ve modelled for these huge brands, but I’ll do you a discount rate because I want a photoshoot like that series you did.
Sorry but you modelling some Adidas on Depop for your friend doesn’t mean you’re a huge modelling star.
Then the worst kind of messages…
I’m a survivor of ‘abuse/trafficking/domestic violence' and want to do a photoshoot for free.
Do, not, by any means try to emotionally blackmail a photographer. It is simply NOT ok. I do not even respond to these messages. It might sound harsh but I’ve had a lot of them over the years. It is simply emotional blackmail. It is not ok. If you are a survivor of trauma, I’ve found from personal experience and from others, you don’t often use it to try and get stuff for free but also if you want to do a sensitive photoshoot around your trauma then book someone, don’t expect.
I get so many absurd messages that I thought I’d write a blog post about how to message a photographer about modelling for them. Make sure you live in their area, if they are visiting your area or vice versa. Emailing someone on the other side of the world might not be the best idea!
Hello, insert their name!
Tell them why you like their work and maybe a particular photo/series.
Make it clear whether you’ve modelled before or not.
Send a photo of yourself if you can, NOT a pouty posed Snapchat filter photo. Just a plain headshot.
State whether you want to BOOK them or whether you’d like it to be TFP (time for print, basically free for both parties).
Be kind and humble.
Send a photo or a link to a photo of yourself.
Sign off with your name and email address, potentially your social links if you can.
To be honest, I personally think it’s way better if a model, especially a newbie offers to book you first. Or sends a good plain headshot and offers to model for free for book covers etc. But most of all if they are humble about it. That goes ABOVE and beyond for me personally. I’ve met some good friends/amazing models this way.
If you’re expecting a free photoshoot from a photographer, don’t expect you can dictate exactly what YOU want from that photo shoot, the photographer will decide. Of course, unless you both come together collaboratively or they ASK you what you would like to do.
Being arrogant won’t get you anywhere. You might be the next Kate Moss but if you have a shitty attitude you’re not going to get anywhere.
Be kind. Be humble. Be clear.
A photographer doesn’t owe you anything. We are creative creatures. Most of us are happy to collaborate if you fit our brand.
After that initial email/DM etc. If you don’t get a response, don’t be disheartened. Feel free to send a second message next week, following up but if you have and still no response, let it go. Don’t harass them. Accept any response the photographer gives back.