Working in a paddling pool

I love working with water as most have you know! But whilst I’m waiting on my underwater case for my new camera it doesn’t mean I stop working with water! Waiting to be able to buy a new underwater case for my camera is torture and I was itching to photograph water again so I got my trusty paddling pool out.

In the cupboard under my stairs holds my 5ft paddling pool that I got on the cheap from Argos. I also have a very old black bed sheet for underwater shoots but this time I draped it in my paddling pool and filled it with water and poppies I had gathered with Megan for our shoot. I used my red dress by Sondeflor as it’s beautiful yet simple, adding the colour I was searching for.

The poppies I have to add, we went and picked from a very full edge of a field on their dying days. In the five minutes we took to get back to mine they had completely wilted much to our dismay but we both shoved them straight in the water and they perked up somewhat! Thankfully! They were also FULL of little thunder bugs, so making sure those little guys got out before the water bath was a laborious chore, some did not make it I must admit.

It’s not a complicated set up at all but helps create some lovely, magical images that I had envisioned when the poppies came out. Megan is always up for something a little dark and creative, plus she seems immune to cold water, always a plus! Don’t worry I did put a couple of kettle fulls in there too to take the edge off!

I wanted to share this as some think I have a very overly complicated set up for stuff like this when it really can be as simple as a paddling pool.


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