Privacy Policy // GDPR 


and all that legal jazz



You'll be reading this because I'm about to collect some of your lovely data! The new GDPR regulations mean I need to make you aware of a few (totally boring) things... so bear with me!

It is your right to be informed about the collection & use of your data. 


It's likely that you're either one of my book cover models and you're filling in a model release form for me, or you're enquiring about/booking some photography! In either case, at some point I'm probably going to be asking you to fill in a form giving me your name, email address, phone number and possibly home address. 


When collecting any data from you, I work under the lawful basis of consent. This means that I'll ask you to explicitly opt in to me gathering this data from you. You also need to know how I store & process it. Firstly, it's necessary for me to gather, process & store this data so I can do my job and so I can contact you ONLY regarding things about which you initially gave me the information (I'll never add you to a random mailing list or email you about something you didn't sign up for). 

Model releases for book covers - technically this is a legal contract, but I will still need to store your personal information myself. Any hard copies of your model releases are kept either on my password protected computer, or on encrypted hard drives. They are also submitted to my agencies, Arcangel Images and Trevillion. If you have emailed a copy of your model release form to me, it will sit in my email inbox along with any other emails we have exchanged in regards to shoots. My emails are hosted by Yahoo, a GDPR compliant company. Access to emails on my phone requires my finger print or password. I will keep your information on file for future shoots & collaborations.

Information given by clients booking photography - Your information will sit in my email inbox, as mentioned above. Any information submitted to me via my online contact form goes directly into my email inbox. My website is secure (https). Again, access to my computer requires a password and email via my phone requires my fingerprint or pass code. I will only contact you regarding the original enquiry and with related information. You can ask me to delete your info at any time (although that's never a good idea until the job is finished!)

I won't sell or pass on your details to a third party without your consent.


Images from book cover shoots are stored on my encrypted hard drives, on my password protected computer and within my public portfolios on Arcangel Images and Trevillion. I may use these images to promote my work on social media. It's necessary for me to take photographs so I can do my job. Model release forms give detailed information on the consent & use of images for Arcangel & Trevillion. By signing this you are entering a legally binding contract. 

Other photography work - if you book me for a photography job and it involves photographing individuals such as members of staff, each individual will be required to read this privacy policy and opt in to having their photograph taken, processed and stored. It is necessary for me to take their photograph so I can do the job you are hiring me to do. Photos are stored on encrypted hard drives. 

All photographs are sent to models & clients via We Transfer, GDPR compliant. 


I use cookies on my website. Cookies are small data files which are used to monitor and optimise the site based on preferences and searches, as well as enabling me to recognise you when you return to the site. By changing your browser setting, you can prevent cookies from being stored on your website.


You can see the info I hold about you at any time you like, and you can ask me to update it to make sure I've got all your most recent info in case you move/lose your phone/get a new email address etc etc.


My website is secure (check out the snazzy s at the end of http in the address bar). I encrypt my hard drives. I password protect my computer. My phone doesn't work without the numbers in my head or my fingerprint.


If you click a link on my website, go to another website and that website breaks your computer, that's definitely not my fault.


Any changes to my privacy policy in the future will be posted to the website and maybe over an email if I've got time to put my camera down.

CONTACT // Email Away!